100%食品グレード オールステンレスのお弁当箱で、毎日のお弁当やテイクアウトをプラスチックフリーにしませんか?
サイズ: 19.4cm x 14.5cm x 深さ6.5cm
重量: 313g
原産国: China
Want to up your take-out game? Made of 100% food grade stainless steel, this multi purpose bento box is durable, non toxic, and of course 100% plastic free! The 1200mL capacity makes it large enough to store a full size meal whether you are on the go, or packing from home. The removable spacer keeps your meals organized if needed. When not being used as a bento box, use it to store food in the fridge, or as a multi purpose storage unit!
Dimensions: 19.4cm x 14.5cm x 6.5cm
Net weight: 313g