All is love ❤️


It’s the beginning of a new season, that means it’s time to reset, rethink and recalibrate. Has the past year been what you envisioned? If not, what would you do to manifest it?

今でもよく覚えているのは、数年前にゼロウェイストを知り消費の仕方を変えたりし始めた時、早い段階で道を失いました。理由としては、①ゼロウェイストのお店が少ない ②製品の価格がとても高い ③どれくらい信頼できるかも分からない

I remember when I first started knowing about the world of zero waste and started exploring products a few years back, I got lost very quickly because 1) There’s not many zero waste shops, 2) They are pretty expensive, 3) I don’t know how trustable the products are.

それでも試しました。色々なものを調べて使ってみて、自分で作ったりもしました。楽しかったけど自作は時間とスペースも要するので少し難しいと感じました。そんな時に minimal living tokyo.に出会い、虜になったのです。ブランドコンセプト、そのブランドに携わる人たち、製品ラインアップに至るまで全て完璧に考え尽くされていて、且つ素敵なオーナーたちによってすでに試された製品でした。

But I went all out. Tried and tested, researched, and even tried making my own products. It was fun, but I obviously don’t have that much time and space to continue making my own products. I then discovered minimal living tokyo and I fell in love. The brand concept, the people behind the brand, the products they have in store, everything was perfectly thought out and has already been tried, tested, and trusted by the two wonderful owners.


  • No Tox Life 海藻シャンプーバー - この製品についてはもう何度も語っています!絶妙な配合が私の髪に本当に合っていて、どの固形シャンプーにも勝ります。

  • No Tox Life ディッシュブロック - この固形洗剤一つで一体何個分の洗剤ボトル?!と思うほど長持ち。もう手放せません。

  • 天然デンタルフロス - 毎日使いたいものだからこそ、ギルトフリーで使えるものがあるのがとても嬉しい。必需品です!

My journey towards a zero waste lifestyle has become so much easier and stress-free. Some of my favorite products that I have been stocking repeatedly are:
  • SOLIDSILK™ Seaweed Shampoo Bar by No Tox Life - I probably talked about this product too many times but I will continue to! Love the formula on my hair. No better solid shampoo bar out there can compete with this!
  • Vegan Washing Block by No Tox Life - Let me tell you how much dish soaps/dispenser I saved with just one of this block. It lasts forever! Never letting this gem go.
  • All Natural Dental Floss - Keeping my flossing habit going without feeling guilty of using plastic ones have made my life (and my teeth) so much happier! MUST HAVE.



I hope this helps!

So, if you’re just starting on your zero waste journey, take it one step at a time, and know that there are many more people out there who will support you and help you out at every stage. I wish you the best, and I hope you will continue to care for our environment, starting with daily products that you choose.

最後に、素晴らしい1年を共にした minimal living tokyo.のチームと他3人のアンバサダーたちにも感謝します!これはほんの始まりで、これからもそれぞれがいろんな形で活躍していくことになるでしょう。私もこれまでの学びを活かして、自身の生活の中での価値やライフスタイルにさらに磨きをかけていきたいと思います。




Lastly, I want to thank you team minimal living tokyo and the 3 other amazing ambassadors for this wonderful year. I know that this is just the beginning of something wonderful, and we will continue to flourish in our own ways. I learnt a lot from them and I wish to apply it to my values and lifestyle moving forward.

Signing off as 2022 minimal living tokyo zero waste ambassador,
All is Love, xoxo


