【Ambassador Greetings!】Zen
Hi! みなさん初めまして!
(Please scroll down for Zen's original blog written in English)
華僑マレーシア人で日本に留学しているゼンと言います。現在は早稲田大学の4年生で、ヨガインストラクターをしながら自身で立ち上げたサスティナブルライフタイルビジネスや海洋保護団体 ProjekWaste も運営しています。
今回、minimal living tokyo.のアンバサダーとして選んでいただきとてもうれしいです!
美しく大袈裟に包まれたギフト、売れ残ったパンやお惣菜、見た目が良くないという理由で販売できない生鮮物、箱や包装紙や溢れるプラパッケージ – 東京という大都市で生活して初めてこれらがどんな影響を与えているかを目の当たりにしました。自分たちが捨てるゴミの行先を考えることもなく、当たり前のように破棄する「ゴミ」の行き着く先はキャパシティを超えた埋立地や焼却炉。多くが一度使ったら破棄される Single-Use 使い捨てのプラスチックで、生活排水や川や海に流れ出し、海洋環境を汚染し、エコシステムを崩壊し私たち人間の生活も脅かしています。
2020年に一時帰国したマレーシアには、パンデミックが重なり1年間滞在しました。そのうち半年ほどはプルヘンティアンという離島にあるリゾートでヨガを教えていました。ダイビングを始めることもできましたが、青く輝く美しい海の中は、目を背けたくなるような現状が待っていました。生活ゴミ、破棄された魚網、白化が進んだ珊瑚礁、 心が折れる現状を目の当たりにして、小さくてもいい、何かしなくてはと決心しました。
ProjekWasteという小さなコミュニティ団体をパートナーとともに立ち上げ、ビーチクリーンを通して美しい海が直面している問題を島民に認知してもらい、その活動・認知をS N Sを通してさらに広げる活動を始めました。ビーチクリーンをして、大量のゴミを集めることができても、根本的な問題を何も解決できないことにはいつも心痛む思いでしたが、それと同時にこの現状を教育の場に持ち込み、行動を促すことにはより一層気持ちが入りました。
隔離生活が長く続いた頃には、ゆるりと始めたアップサイクルプロジェクトが Nami という小さなビジネスへと発展しました。浜辺に寄せては引く波からインスピレーションを受け、自然が持つ治癒力や自由だけでなく、消費にもっとホリスティックでシンプルな選択肢があればという思いで、スローファッションや健康的な習慣を通して表現しています。
Namiでは、古着をリメイクやアップサイクルして、野菜や果物、コーヒーかすを使用して草木染めを施しています。日本の四季折々に収穫できる果物やハーブを使って自家製コンブチャ(発酵ドリンク)も販売しています。現在はもう一つ新しいプロジェクトを考案中で、ビーチクリーンで集めたマイクロプラスチックを使用したアップサイクル製品を試作しています。自分の小さなプロジェクトとして Namiに取り組めることはとてもエキサイティングで誇らしいですし、これを通してもっとサスティナブルなライフスタイルを広めていきたいです。
私はminimal living tokyo.と一緒に、シンプルさの中にある美と、マインドフルネスな消費を共有していきたいと願っています。「ゼロウェイスト」という言葉はとても大々的ですが、私自身の小さなアクション一つ一つが多くの人のサスティナブルな選択に繋がり、いずれビッグチェンジになることを伝えていきたいです。
(Original Blog by Zen)
Hi! My name is Zen, I’m a Chinese Malaysian living and studying in Japan. I am a senior at Waseda University, a yoga instructor, a small sustainable lifestyle business owner, and a co-founder of a marine conversation organization ProjekWaste. I am so honored to be chosen as Minimal Living Tokyo’s Zero Waste Ambassador for this year.
I came to Japan right after high school in 2016 so it has been a good 6 years living in Japan. I started learning Japanese in a Japanese School for 2 years and got into Waseda University, now majoring in global governance in the context of environmental studies under the School of Liberal Studies.
My active participation in conservation, environmental activism, and sustainable advocacy has been fairly recent in the past 2-3 years, although my love for nature has always been in me. Living in Tokyo where everything is conveniently accessible, it didn’t cross my mind how much plastics were used for these beautifully packaged gifts, how much waste was created from throwing out all the unsold bread and cakes from the bakeries, how much fruits and vegetables being rejected because they’re not “pretty” enough to be sold in supermarkets, how much boxes, papers and more plastics used in our everyday life until I’ve seen it with my own eyes, the aftermath, the pollution that we often ignore after throwing out the trash, many caused by single-use plastic products in the recent decades that have been induced by irresponsible littering and poor waste management, ending up with beaches and oceans filled with trash, damaging the ocean ecosystem as well as affecting human lives. These small issues that I’ve experienced slowly lead me to witness the bigger picture of the real roots and causes of the interconnecting problems that have accelerated to one of the biggest crisis mankind is facing, climate change.
In 2020, I returned to Malaysia for a few weeks which turned into a year due of the pandemic. I lived on a remote island near my hometown called Perhentian Island for almost 6 months where I taught yoga in a resort. I started learning how to scuba dive, which explained my encounter of witnessing the real conditions below the surface, the ugly truth behind the beautiful, magical underwater world. Trash, ghost nets, bleached corals, all of these heartbroken incidents made me decide to do something, even if it is something small. Together with my partner, we started ProjekWaste, a small community leading beach clean-ups, raising awareness on the island and also to the public through social media. Looking at all the trash collected, my heart always sinks knowing that all this cleaning will never solve this problem, hence I found my purpose in education and to call for action.
Hand-in-hand with my learnings and teachings in my yoga practice, I found my spiritual grounding in self-reflection as well as connecting with nature. I became more aware of the things I eat, wear, use, put on my skin and body; the thoughts I feed, the things I say, and the people I interact with. I found clarity in life, and I found myself when I am aligned with my surroundings.
Out of boredom during quarantine, I started some upcycling projects that slowly turned into a small business- Nami. Inspired by the wave of the ocean, I want to share the vast freedom and healing properties that nature brings, by offering holistic and simple alternatives to consumerism and consumption, such as slow fashion and a healthy routine.
In Nami, I sell upcycled and remade second-hand apparel hand-dyed with natural dyes from vegetables, fruits, and used coffee, and I also sell hand-crafted organic kombucha made from seasonal fruits and herbs found in Japan. I am currently working on my next product, which is an upcycled product made from microplastics collected from beach clean-ups. I am excited and beyond proud to run Nami as a mini project of my own, hoping to raise more awareness of sustainable lifestyles.
I am far from perfect, I am not fully vegan, I am not a zero waster, I sometimes still receive plastic bags when I forgot my reusable bags, I still pay for gas from burning fossil fuels, I still live in a capitalist, patriarchy society where I have no control over, at least for now. Yet, I try to embrace this journey, the imperfections, the vulnerability, the hardships and challenges, and I do see change, I do see hope. Alone I can never achieve this collective goal that people especially youths in our world pledge to and fight for, so I hope by using my voice and my actions, I get to connect with more people who are on this journey in protecting nature to learn from each other, and to remind the people in power that it is and always will be, people and planet over profit.
Together with Minimal Living Tokyo, I wish to share the beauty of simplicity and mindfulness consumerism. Zero waste is a big word, but I wish to break it down in my way so that everyone can start small and understand the true meaning of sustainability, and slowly turn these actions into big changes. This is what I wish to share through my ambassador journey with Minimal Living Tokyo. I hope you stay by my blog posts and also follow my social media! (@zenzenw)